How To Create The Ultimate Marrage SECRET 4-min

I think you would all agree with me when I say that marriage is hard.

Marriage is really hard!

In fact, I think it’s one of the hardest things you will ever do.  

When I see people celebrating 50+ years of marriage I think, “Wow!  What an unbelievable accomplishment!”

I sit in awe of them.

Did you know that the average marriage that ends in divorce in the United States only lasts approximately 8 years?

Why such a low number? 

I said it before. Because marriage is unbelievably hard!

And, the truth is, none of us are taught how to do it.  

We just have to jump in and find our way thru.

My husband and I have been married 21 years.  And, believe me when I say, it has not always been easy.

We have found ourselves on the brink of divorce more than once. 

But, I want the dream.

We all want the dream right? The happy marriage of 50 years?

So, instead of separating we chose to dig in and figure this marriage thing out.

Thru that dedication to working on our marriage, we have learned some key marriage secrets that have helped us survive and thrive.

We want to share those secrets with you!

So, over the last several weeks, we have been doing a 4 part series on the Married and Naked Podcast sharing The Four Secrets To The Ultimate Marriage.  

Today we are sharing with you the last secret, marriage secret #4.

(If you missed the first three episodes you can find them here: Secret #1, Secret #2 and Secret #3.)

This secret is the one that Joel says is his favorite and it’s definitely one you don’t want to miss.

Check out the final episode of how Joel and I transformed our marriage.

Subscribe To The Podcast Here

And stick around til the end where I share 3 ways to implement this secret in improving your marriage starting today!

I hope you find it serves you well.

Until next time, take care of each other!
